Dental Plan

If you are a policyholder of the NHS or Private Dental Plan, you can now claim online, click here to claim online.

Alternatively you can download, print and complete a claim form, please click here or call 01204 555047 and we will post one to you.

For any claim submission or processing matters, please contact the Claims Team on 01204 555047 for further support.

Health Plan

If you are a Health Plan policyholder, you can now claim online, click here to claim online.

Alternatively you can download, print and complete a Health Plan claim form here or Hospital Certificate form here or call 01204 555047 and we will post one to you.

Important Information

For all claims, full receipts are required and must show:

Fully completed claims forms should be sent to Bolton & District Hospital Saturday Council PO BOX BOLTON, PO BOX 335, S98 1BY