Towards Intellectual Property Rights Protection in Big Data

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Big Data applications can revolutionize any platform by facilitating the analysis of large amounts of information. However, the biggest challenge associated with Big Data is overcoming the intellectual property barriers associated with the use of this data, especially in cross-database applications. Although intellectual property provisions have been formulated to limit inappropriate use and manage access to Big Data, it is difficult to make this trade-off and overcome the challenges of Big Data. This paper explores the limits of intellectual property rights in Big Data applications. The advent of Big Data requires an alternative conceptual framework along with security policies and regulations. The profound issues of copyright on cross-database platforms are highlighted in this paper, as well as the paradigm shift from ownership to control of access to and use of Big Data, especially on cross-database platforms. We also present a real-world case study of the underlying technologies of cross-data analytics ( The xData platform aims to coordinate competing social, personal, and industrial interests in data to ensure fair access while minimizing legal and ethical threats. Finally, we discuss the idea of using blockchain-enabled smart contracts to protect intellectual property rights on cross-data platforms and highlight some important aspects of copyright issues, highlighting key issues and current open challenges.

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